How I'm Prepping for My Wedding 💍

With our upcoming wedding right around the corner, I've been in full planning mode over here!

Personally, I love to see what other brides are doing/have done and what tips + tricks they have to share. That's why I'm coming to you in this blog with how I am prepping for my wedding (and what I'm choosing to avoid). Whether you are single, in a relationship, or have been married for awhile, you will find something useful in this email.

Keep scrolling for my fav wellness tips leading up to the big day!

As I prepare for my own wedding, I've made it a priority over the last few months to elevate various aspects of health and wellness to ensure that I feel my best. If you've been here long enough, you know my mantra is - balance is 🔑, so think of it as more of elevating the habits we already have in place.

Recently I shared an Instagram reel on what I'm not doing before my wedding as a health coach. 
Check that out here!

Now, let's dive in...

Skincare 💆‍♀️

I've been doing my best to stick to a short, consistent skincare routine, especially in the morning and evenings. I'm all about ease when it comes to skincare and making it doable for myself. Here's what I'm focusing on before the big day:

1. Taking off all my makeup at the end of the night
2. Cleansing, moisturizing (I use 
CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser), + apply sunscreen (my fav)
3. Water + Collagen (I have been loving the JSHealth Collagen)

Mental Health 🧠

Wedding planning can come with a lot of stress and unwanted opinions. Rather than focusing on the negatives, think about what this day means for you. This can really go for any major life event too. Stay organized, have a growth mindset, and enjoy some quiet moments to recharge. Here's how I'm taking charge of my mental health:

1. Taking walks
2. Calling a friend/family member
3. Quiet time to myself
4. Getting quality sleep (I have been taking these 
THORNE Magnesium supplements before bed and have been noticing a difference in just a few weeks)

Movement 🏃‍♀️

I know what type of movement works best for my body and the two things I stick to are lots of walking and weight training. Now that my wedding is in about 2 months (!!) it's time to spice things up. Whether you are getting ready for an event or just need some motivation to level up, here's what I'm doing to enhance my movement:

1. Weight training 4x/week (focusing on progressive overload)- I have used the 
LG training plans for years and see amazing results when consistent.
2. Getting out in nature & enjoying sunshine
3. Focus on portion control + eating whole foods


Body Confidence 🌟

Feeling confident in my own skin is always priority for me, but it's enhanced especially with the wedding. Rather than focusing on achieving a certain body image or weight before the big day, I've been focusing more on how I want to FEEL. Glowing, happy, confident, etc. Take the pressure off yourself and shift that mindset!

I also struggle quite a bit with bloating and recently starting taking the 
JSHealth Detox + Debloat supplements twice a day after my meals. They relieve digestive discomfort, support the body's detoxification, and have nourishing ingredients such as milk thistle and fennel.

Nutrition 🥗

I usually eat with an 80/20 mindset, meaning 80% nutrient dense foods and 20% indulging, which I'm not going to be changing. However, for the next few months, my goal is to really focus on that 80% and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while still allowing myself to indulge in moderation. Here's what I'm focusing on with my nutrition:

1. 80% nutrient dense foods
2. Increasing protein intake (I usually aim for 120g/day)
3. Reducing sugar + processed foods

Relationships ❤️

Finally, let's chat about relationships. With a wedding comes evolving the relationship you are building with your spouse, most importantly. During this process, it's also important to continue growing your relationships with family & friends, as they are just excited to be helping you plan the best day! While things can get busy, taking small moments to show others you appreciate them and care about them can go a long way.

If you got all the way to the end, thank you for reading! I'm always happy to share my experiences to help other women. If these topics interest you and you just need a little push in the right direction to elevate your health, I encourage you to sign up for a coaching consultation below.



Sign up here for a spot in my 1:1 holistic health coaching in JULY!

I will revolve our sessions around targeted strategies for implementing your goals. We will talk through mindful eating + nutrition, building self-confidence + overcoming limiting beliefs, and taking action towards your most desired goals.

Click here to 
learn more in depth about the program & my journey to becoming a coach.